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Richmond, Virginia program on March 29 and 30 to support abused women

A program sponsored by Muslim Women United in Richmond, theme:

Richmond Muslims Say No to Abuse

guest speaker Sr. Hadayai S. Majeed, Baitul Salaam Network, Inc., national domestic violence awareness organization.

This program took the organizer about six months to get into place. She had great opposition from a women's group, some Imams and some people who felt more said who cause more harm to the victims.

Richmond has had two women incarcerated due to fighting back (abusive husbands/boyfriend). Each case the community did not respond very favorable to the women.

One is in prison for at least 10 years. She is 21 years old. The fact that she was living in sin was the focus of the community not wanting to help. Many felt she got what she desired. The original charge was Capital Murder but was reduced during a plea bargain to one of the Manslaughter Charges. The other is probably in the county jail waiting to be formally charged. No one seems to be able to get to see her or she has refused to see anyone from the community.

IWe get reports about serious abuse regularly from this community. It is in great trouble.

2003-03-27 Thu 11:10ct